Advantage Consulting Services offers a variety
of workshops, seminars and training exercises to assist non-profit, community and faith-based organizations. All of
the presentations can be used as tools for organization leaders and staff, or implemented directly into the organization’s
programming, making them available to clients and the general public. Likewise, all presentations can be adapted for
adult or youth audiences, and formatted to meet the needs or interests of a specific audience. Topics can be combined or presented
separately. Length of time for workshops, seminars and training exercises range from 30 minutes to three-hour sessions, depending
upon the topic and the organization’s specific requests.
Leadership Development
- Qualities of Leadership...Learn what it takes to be an effective
leader, how to delegate and motivate others.
- Setting Goals and Objectives…and Creating a Plan to Achieve Them...Demystify the process of strategic planning, improve methods for achieving goals, and develop evaluation methods.
- Board of Directors Development and Training (for new and veteran board members)...Review the responsibilities of the Board, update training materials and Board member manuals, and develop
methods for self-evaluation of the Board.
Team Building
- Decision-Making as a Group Process...Explore decision-making
as a group process and develop skills in listening, cooperation and compromise.
- Team Building Through Improvisation...A fun and invigorating
way to improve group dynamics, explore group learning and idea-sharing techniques, increase creativity, boost morale, and
encourage cooperation and cohesiveness.
Diversity Training
- "Beyond Tolerance": Enhancing Multicultural Understanding and Celebrating Diversity...Prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry are pervasive in society, often allowing fear and hate to be imperceptibly
passed from one generation to another without any defensible justification or understanding. This workshop challenges participants
to move from an emphasis on differences to a focus on cultural competence, cooperation and mutual respect that extends beyond
mere tolerance.
- "With Liberty and Justice For All": Equal Rights in an Unequal Society...Examine the laws that protect all people from harassment and discrimination, develop non-discrimination policies with
proper inclusionary language, and explore ways to protect and promote equal rights.
Life Skills Training
- Making Better Decisions...Learn the three "C’s" to making
better decisions.
- Anger Management and Conflict Resolution...Explore techniques
to mange anger and resolve conflicts through mediation.
- Improving Self Image...Explore how self-perception is formed
and influenced, learn how to improve your own self-image and how to help others do the same.
- "You Have Two Ears But Only One Mouth": Improving Communication With Active Listening...Explore and practice techniques to improve communication skills.
- "It’s About Time": Improving Time Management Skills...Improve
your ability to manage time and increase organization and productivity.
Specific Topics for Non-Profit Organizations
The following presentations cover general topics of interest to most non-profit organizations.
These presentations are specifically geared to organization staff and program leaders.
- Aiming for the Target...Explore and practice the skills
of targeting a specific audience and writing effective promotional materials.
- Secrets of Media Manipulation...Develop techniques to
getting better media coverage for your organization and events.
Building Community Support...Discover
how to strengthen community support for your organization and increase attendance for your programs
and events.
Show Me the Money!...Explore methods
to increase funding for your organization through grant writing and creative fundraising.
For additional information on any of these presentations or trainings,
or to request other topics not listed here, please contact Advantage
Consulting Services.
Doug Seubert
Non-Profit Development Specialist
PO Box 56
Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449
(715) 383-0897